Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Ok, everyone seems to be clamoring for pics and video, so lemme see what I can do..

The video on the right was taken yesterday on our first walk down to the beach in the early morning.  Just a panorama from north to south. This is the main beach at Tamarindo.  Probably about a mile long.  At the northern end is the rivermouth and theres a little point on the southern end.

Check back in a little while and hopefully I'll have some pics up...

Ok, we just got back from dinner.  These kids eat constantly as you know from our NS trips.  We had a good day today surfwise.  We got up early and drove south a few minutes to Langosta.  We had the place to ourselves for the first hour or so but then it got a little crowded.  It was high tidey at first but the 2nd hour really picked up and the surf got nice and peaky.  I'd call it 4 to 5, with some head high sets.  I kid you not, Aaron must caught about 50 waves.  He's a paddling machine.  Alex and I didn't catch that many between the 2 of us, but we got our share and were pretty tired after 2 hours.  Adam says Langosta is one of his favorite breaks and I can see why.  We'll probably go there for our early session again tomorrow.

The rest of our group got tired of waiting for us, so the walked the couple of blocks to town and shopped around a little.  Then we went out for late breakfast/early lunch at one of the beachside eateries.  Shopped around just a little and then came home.  We rested a bit and then all of us headed to the beach at Tamarindo.  Surfing wasn't great, too much water on the high tide, so we didn't stay that long.  Better to save our arms for better things.

We went to eat dinner at a little Mexican place called Gil's close to the house.  Owner was a friendly guy who sat down with us and asked us where we were from etc.  Turns out he used to live in Ventura and ran the old surf taco place at the Ventura marina some 16 years ago!

Ok, here's a couple of pics from the last 2 days...

One of the bigger critters we've seen...

Low tide at Tamarindo

Christmas '11??

Hasta Manana....


  1. video is not playing on my computer -- says its private...

  2. ok, I made it public. Does it work now?

  3. Yes, the video works now. Thanks for the update and the pictures!

  4. Yep, video is working.

    That many waves and I would have been on the couch for the rest of the day! Did you take your WD? You need to get a filmer out there with you.

    NS in 2 days....

  5. BTW: Checkout it's a surf forecasting site and you should like what you find for Langosta!

  6. I'm glad the geckos on NS aren't as big as those iguanas. ¡No me gusta!

  7. Eesh! That iguana would freak me out. I would have to stay inside. Glad to hear you are having a great time.
